Va Tapalpa por un centro de convenciones
Ledesma explicó que ya se trabaja en el proyecto ejecutivo
Guadalupe Ledesma informó la intención de contruir un nuevo centro en el municipio.
Tapalpa.- El presidente municipal de Tapalpa, Jalisco, Guadalupe Ledesma, señaló que como parte del crecimiento turístico y de negocios en el municipio se pretende construir un centro de convenciones en el “Pueblo Mágico”; para lo cual pedirá a los legisladores estatales ampliar el presupuesto que pretenden asignar para 2009 a Tapalpa.Ledesma explicó que ya se trabaja en el proyecto ejecutivo con alumnos del Tec de Monterrey, de la licenciatura de arquitectura; el recinto se pretende ubicar en lo que antes funcionaba como un cine, a su vez ubicado en el Centro del municipio.
Jun-28 18:30 hrs
lunes, 30 de junio de 2008
sábado, 28 de junio de 2008
commentarios finales
Hola todos... gracias otre vez para su trabajo en Tapalpa. Esta sabado y estoy pensando en tu projectos...! Algunos comentarios finales:
Domo Deportiva:
1) There are two curving design elements stretching out into the street, it is a nice connection between the inside and outside of your site. You are thinking beyond prohibitive borders...
2) This building is a kind of sculpture... can the shape of it have a meaning beyond it's function? Your building can be a metaphor, complemented by all of its detailed components. Perhaps a leaf, as Cecilia suggested? Can the sustainability of its construction be complemented by poetry in it's form? Your design details could link to this greater vision. No ordinary nuts, bolts, nails, beams and timbres... they all relate to the metaphor.
3) Regarding the use of Pine and Bamboo (nice video, by the way). You can probably find good arguments for sustainable bamboo growth and harvesting... this building could be a leading precedent for other buildings in Guadalara. Is it cheap? You could similarly make an argument that this would use less Pine trees (therefore require less tree cutting), but you could still support the local industry by demonstrating "selective cutting". In this case, only essential mature trees are used (no big ugly clear cuts on the mountain sides) for important parts of the building. Locals and nature both benefit.
1) I assume many rooms in a hospital are standardized (standard equipment, lights, furniture, etc.)... the courtyard you have created is an "outdoor room" that could be an opportunity to really be creative. Not many people understand how such a garden can benefit sick people... there are no standards / expectations- it could be anything you want so you are free to be completely creative here, perhaps unlike the rest of the hospital where there are many rules / needs.
2) The technical descriptions of alternative energy (solar panels or solar hot water), and rainwater collection would be very helpful to people in Tapalpa. It is a wonderful idea... but can you show people how simple it can really be? Which areas of the roof will have panels? Where do the wires / electricity go? Where are the batteries they will charge? How much energy would they generate? In the past I have connected solar panels to car batteries... I then connected electronics (lights and other things) directly to the batteries, which are always being charged. Only an idea... but one that anybody in Tapalpa can understand and easily fix themselves. Also, everyone can find car batteries. Some simple diagrams could help describe this...
3) You have given excellent attention to programming of the interior of the hospital, the experience of each visitor is cared for and makes logical sense... are there any opportunities for views out into the landscape from within the building? There is a high ridge in the landscape south of Attacco... can this be seen from your outdoor courtyard?
Centro de Convenciones:
1) This is the most successful "immersive" rendering. In your 3D model you are able to bring me into your building, which helps me understand how it will feel to be inside. Since you have already developed your model, I would recommend that you bring people on a virtual tour as you develop your design details. Bring people into the building, into the theatre, up the stairs, to the roof... could you create a narrative / story of this experience (we talked earlier about the conversation between light & dark / inward & outward / inside & outside that your building provides). As you bring people through this tour, can your details demonstrate how they contribute to this story? How do you design walls that give people a sense of uplift / escape as they move towards the roof? Your staircase appears to float, which can be part of this emerging feeling towards the rooftop patio... can the details of its construction emphasize this?In short: as you present this project, you could consider walking people through it as you tell the story... each room / element is part of the plot... each detail is a character that contributes to it.
Plaza Atacco:
1) Perhaps you could demonstrate what different groups of people would be doing in your plaza... linking together what an individual, a couple, a small group and a large group of people would be doing there. You design details could fill in this description as you describe these activities (for example, an individual that wants to "people watch" would go here, and the bench could be constructed like this... a family wanting to get out of the sun could sit under a cluster of trees, and the detailed drawing looks like this... children could run through the open plaza space and the detailed stonework there looks like this). In this way you have thought of all visitors and proven how your site design can accomodate them. You have already started to do this with your image of somebody sitting under a tree... it is very effective.
2) An interesting mix of old forms with new ideas regarding the stone columns at the front of your building. It could be shady / cold in there, could creating a solarium with windows between two of these columns at the front of the building act like a greenhouse?... you could then open the interior doors and let the warm air enter the building. Alternatively, a row of windows on the roof would function like a partial greenhouse bringing sunlight and warmth... free heat and less electricity. Only thoughts to consider...
demasiadas palabras, lo siento, pero su trabajo son dignos de mucho pensó
I hope you are taking time to enjoy Tapalpa... wish I was there.
Hasta hueves,
David y Cecilia
Domo Deportiva:
1) There are two curving design elements stretching out into the street, it is a nice connection between the inside and outside of your site. You are thinking beyond prohibitive borders...
2) This building is a kind of sculpture... can the shape of it have a meaning beyond it's function? Your building can be a metaphor, complemented by all of its detailed components. Perhaps a leaf, as Cecilia suggested? Can the sustainability of its construction be complemented by poetry in it's form? Your design details could link to this greater vision. No ordinary nuts, bolts, nails, beams and timbres... they all relate to the metaphor.
3) Regarding the use of Pine and Bamboo (nice video, by the way). You can probably find good arguments for sustainable bamboo growth and harvesting... this building could be a leading precedent for other buildings in Guadalara. Is it cheap? You could similarly make an argument that this would use less Pine trees (therefore require less tree cutting), but you could still support the local industry by demonstrating "selective cutting". In this case, only essential mature trees are used (no big ugly clear cuts on the mountain sides) for important parts of the building. Locals and nature both benefit.
1) I assume many rooms in a hospital are standardized (standard equipment, lights, furniture, etc.)... the courtyard you have created is an "outdoor room" that could be an opportunity to really be creative. Not many people understand how such a garden can benefit sick people... there are no standards / expectations- it could be anything you want so you are free to be completely creative here, perhaps unlike the rest of the hospital where there are many rules / needs.
2) The technical descriptions of alternative energy (solar panels or solar hot water), and rainwater collection would be very helpful to people in Tapalpa. It is a wonderful idea... but can you show people how simple it can really be? Which areas of the roof will have panels? Where do the wires / electricity go? Where are the batteries they will charge? How much energy would they generate? In the past I have connected solar panels to car batteries... I then connected electronics (lights and other things) directly to the batteries, which are always being charged. Only an idea... but one that anybody in Tapalpa can understand and easily fix themselves. Also, everyone can find car batteries. Some simple diagrams could help describe this...
3) You have given excellent attention to programming of the interior of the hospital, the experience of each visitor is cared for and makes logical sense... are there any opportunities for views out into the landscape from within the building? There is a high ridge in the landscape south of Attacco... can this be seen from your outdoor courtyard?
Centro de Convenciones:
1) This is the most successful "immersive" rendering. In your 3D model you are able to bring me into your building, which helps me understand how it will feel to be inside. Since you have already developed your model, I would recommend that you bring people on a virtual tour as you develop your design details. Bring people into the building, into the theatre, up the stairs, to the roof... could you create a narrative / story of this experience (we talked earlier about the conversation between light & dark / inward & outward / inside & outside that your building provides). As you bring people through this tour, can your details demonstrate how they contribute to this story? How do you design walls that give people a sense of uplift / escape as they move towards the roof? Your staircase appears to float, which can be part of this emerging feeling towards the rooftop patio... can the details of its construction emphasize this?In short: as you present this project, you could consider walking people through it as you tell the story... each room / element is part of the plot... each detail is a character that contributes to it.
Plaza Atacco:
1) Perhaps you could demonstrate what different groups of people would be doing in your plaza... linking together what an individual, a couple, a small group and a large group of people would be doing there. You design details could fill in this description as you describe these activities (for example, an individual that wants to "people watch" would go here, and the bench could be constructed like this... a family wanting to get out of the sun could sit under a cluster of trees, and the detailed drawing looks like this... children could run through the open plaza space and the detailed stonework there looks like this). In this way you have thought of all visitors and proven how your site design can accomodate them. You have already started to do this with your image of somebody sitting under a tree... it is very effective.
2) An interesting mix of old forms with new ideas regarding the stone columns at the front of your building. It could be shady / cold in there, could creating a solarium with windows between two of these columns at the front of the building act like a greenhouse?... you could then open the interior doors and let the warm air enter the building. Alternatively, a row of windows on the roof would function like a partial greenhouse bringing sunlight and warmth... free heat and less electricity. Only thoughts to consider...
demasiadas palabras, lo siento, pero su trabajo son dignos de mucho pensó
I hope you are taking time to enjoy Tapalpa... wish I was there.
Hasta hueves,
David y Cecilia
viernes, 27 de junio de 2008
jueves, 26 de junio de 2008
lunes, 23 de junio de 2008
Algunos comentarios para los diseños.
Solo quería agregar algunos comentarios generales pare ser considerados en sus diseños:
1. Respecto al domo polideportivo, quiero insistir en la exploración para utilizar materiales regionales, exploraron la posibilidad de utilizar madera local? La estructura soportaría pino por ejemplo? Supongo que la madera se cambiaría cada determinado tiempo, no? Esto para promover la utilización de madera regional, y para promover la actividad forestal local y así mejorar su calidad, para este tipo de construcciones.
2. Respecto al centro de convenciones quería hacer énfasis en la importancia de que le entre luz al sitio; las casas en Tapalpa son muy frías, porque a las construcciones de adobe no les entra luz. Habría alguna forma de hacer alguna cosa innovadora en el diseño (como una cortina-domo que se abra y se cierre) para dejar entrar luz? Algo que no rompa con los lineamientos actuales de construcción, pero que explore nuevas formas para mejorar la vivienda y también para evitar el uso de calentadores artificiales?
3. Para la plaza de Atacco, de nuevo, insistir con reforestar con especies nativas. Incluso había escuchado algo de hacer un arboretum o jardín botánico en el sitio… Han hablado de esto con el presidente? O quizás eso sería una segunda etapa, como lo es el manantial de Atacco, que se encuentra muy cerca de la plaza. Ya lo visitaron? También puede ser un gran atractivo turístico.
4. Respecto al hospital, podrían explotar más los horizontes del paisaje? Las áreas verdes están centradas dentro del edificio? O también se conectan con el resto del paisaje (afuera del edificio)?
Bueno, nos vemos el viernes. Suerte y échenle ganas, están haciendo cosas muy padres!
Cecilia Valencia
1. Respecto al domo polideportivo, quiero insistir en la exploración para utilizar materiales regionales, exploraron la posibilidad de utilizar madera local? La estructura soportaría pino por ejemplo? Supongo que la madera se cambiaría cada determinado tiempo, no? Esto para promover la utilización de madera regional, y para promover la actividad forestal local y así mejorar su calidad, para este tipo de construcciones.
2. Respecto al centro de convenciones quería hacer énfasis en la importancia de que le entre luz al sitio; las casas en Tapalpa son muy frías, porque a las construcciones de adobe no les entra luz. Habría alguna forma de hacer alguna cosa innovadora en el diseño (como una cortina-domo que se abra y se cierre) para dejar entrar luz? Algo que no rompa con los lineamientos actuales de construcción, pero que explore nuevas formas para mejorar la vivienda y también para evitar el uso de calentadores artificiales?
3. Para la plaza de Atacco, de nuevo, insistir con reforestar con especies nativas. Incluso había escuchado algo de hacer un arboretum o jardín botánico en el sitio… Han hablado de esto con el presidente? O quizás eso sería una segunda etapa, como lo es el manantial de Atacco, que se encuentra muy cerca de la plaza. Ya lo visitaron? También puede ser un gran atractivo turístico.
4. Respecto al hospital, podrían explotar más los horizontes del paisaje? Las áreas verdes están centradas dentro del edificio? O también se conectan con el resto del paisaje (afuera del edificio)?
Bueno, nos vemos el viernes. Suerte y échenle ganas, están haciendo cosas muy padres!
Cecilia Valencia
viernes, 20 de junio de 2008
jueves, 19 de junio de 2008
En respuesta al programa y a la necesidad de la protección de la cancha multiusos tanto del oriente como del poniente, aparece una cubierta paraboloide donde la forma corresponde de manera directa con la eliminación de los futuros problemas debidos a las orientaciones antes mencionadas. Esta forma actúa también en relación al contexto inmediato donde la presencia de árboles de aproximadamente 25 m. de altura proporcionan una referencia que es necesario respetar. Así, la cubierta actúa como un envolvente amable que se extiende y se integra con los elementos (árboles) presentes en el terreno. La escala de la estructura depende necesariamente del cumplimiento estricto de los reglamente deportivos vigentes donde la altura mínima para una cancha de este tipo corresponde a los 12.5m.
Esta estructura, propuesta su fabricación en su totalidad de madera, se apoya en dos soportes principales que sostienen dos armaduras primarias sobre las que descansan joists a distancias equivalentes cuya función consiste en la sustentación de la cubierta constituida por largueros de bambú, material que comienza a formar parte de los elementos constructivos utilizados en el país debido a su gran capacidad para soportar esfuerzos (resistencia), su ligereza y su capacidad térmica.
Esta estructura, propuesta su fabricación en su totalidad de madera, se apoya en dos soportes principales que sostienen dos armaduras primarias sobre las que descansan joists a distancias equivalentes cuya función consiste en la sustentación de la cubierta constituida por largueros de bambú, material que comienza a formar parte de los elementos constructivos utilizados en el país debido a su gran capacidad para soportar esfuerzos (resistencia), su ligereza y su capacidad térmica.
Dos elementos sólidos contienen tanto las gradas como los vestidores y baños presentes dentro del domo y fuera una explanada que contiene, prelud
iando, a los futuros espectadores.
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